Lilia Li-Mi-Yan: Nausea

In “Nausea”, Lilia Li-mi-yan works with the theme of physicality and partial objects. She creates intricate tactile rhymes.

Nausea is a reaction of organism when you have absorbed too much; the food you swallowed has been split but could not be digested. In this case the tactile and optical are tensely connected. It is about the eye that receives a portion of the world which could be split into identifiable parts, but could not be digested to form the integral concept.

Here's a preview of some 'lighter' images.

It looks as if the body extends its functionality and physicality beyond the subject. As if the only way to feel the world is by applying the humane affects to every visible structure. So that every liquid is seen as if it comes from body, every crack - as if it is a scar…

Here Nausea as an idea of corporal experience which was integrated by Sartre, where he says that we feel our body only through trauma. Nausea as a method to hear one's body, its outgoing signal. A signal that urges you to cognition. Only that which is rough, bristle, wrinkle and breakes off - speaks. Something that wants to be named.

Open thread binding with hard backcover, red thread,
Size: 13 x 17 cm, 84 pages + 8 cover pages (uncut)
Print run: 200 copies

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"I am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me." – Sylvia Plath

This serie is the result of three years of traveling, from the south to the south. As we lost ourselves in seven countries, from the north to the north.

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